Bukan untuk seketika atau sepicing waktu walakin ilal abad...
Katanya S.A.W '' inni bu'istu li utammima makarima akhlak....''
Tiada seindah mutiara, melainkan kata2 nya...
Tiada sebaik2 ciptaan, melainkan tubuh badannya...
Tiada semulia2 hati, melainkan qalbuhu...
Tiada sesempurna insan, melainkan dirinya...
Tiada para nabi, para rasul, para sahabat, para solihun, para ulama' apatah lagi manusia biasa untuk di jadikan IDoLa...
Melainkan Mu ya Rasullah wa Habiballah .
Muhammad, The Messenger Of God.
Muhammad ; It means ‘ the praised one’ or ‘ he who glorified'
Ahmad ; a superlative form meaning ‘the most laudable’
Hamada ; to praise, loud, glorify.
S.a.w = God bless him and give him peace.
A’laihi solatu wassalam = upon him be blessing and peace.
A’laihi assalam = peace be upon him.
Tradition assigns two hundred names to Muhammad, including ; habibullah ‘beloved of Allah’ , an-nabi ‘ the prophet’ , al-rasul ‘the messenger’ , toha and yassin ‘names of surah of quran’ , zikrullah ‘remembrance of God’ , miftah al-jannah ‘the key of mercy’ , miftah al-jannah ‘the key of paradise’ , sayyid al-kunaiyn ‘ lord of two world’ , ruh al-haq ‘ the spirit of truth’ , khatam al-anbiya’ ‘seal of the prophet’ , shohib al-mi’raj ‘he of the night of ascent’ , sa’d Allah ‘joy of God’ , sa’d al-khalq ‘joy of creation’ , a’in nai’m ‘fount of blessing’ , saif Allah ‘sword of God’ , al-amin ‘the trustworthy’ , abu al-qasim ‘father of qasim – a son who died in infancy’ and so forth.
The bibles also give him a name: shiloh. in Genesis 49:1-10 it says * and Jacob called into his son and said, gather yourself together, that I may tell u that which shall befall you in the last day... the scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until shiloh came; unto him shall the gathering of the people be . since Jesus is of the house of David, and thus of Judah, the prophecy – and the name – must concern a prophet coming after him, who is Muhammad.
Ya Allah jadikan kami di kalangan sebaik2 ummatnya ( yg menyuruh kebaikan dan mencegah kemungkaran)