Betul ker ni?
Subhanallah...dah 4 thn saya berada di bumi uk ni.Rase baru smlm menjejak kaki ke sini. Esok insaAllah saya akan berangkat ke Manchester. Sehari awal sbb Ummu Aiman nak baut sedikit jamuan. Hari ni 5 Filey x putus2 di kunjungi warga Sheffield.Semlm saya ke Darnall memenuhi jemputan Kak Nora dan Kak Yah. Walaupun dlm keletihan study Kak Nisah sempat lagi masak nasi tomato utk lunch saya dan kawan saya. Mlm ni Kak Lida plak buat giliran dia utk masak mee soup....waa....sedih lah plak.
Alhamdulillah atas nikmat ukhuwwah ni.Walau kenal tak sampai sethn, tapi rase mcm dah lama...semoga Allah merahmati kita semua.
Terima kasih buat sahabat2 yg dtg mengucapkan selamat jln walaupun dlm keadaan genting menghadapi exam. Arju lakum binnajah, amin.
Sedarkah kita?
Well done on a nice blog al_layyinah. I was searching for information on astronomy for kids and came across your post Betul ker ni? - not quite what I was looking for related to astronomy for kids but very interesting all the same!
Well, it's a new year - in fact it's almost the Chinese New Year. I'm still putting together astronomy lesson plans for the first and second semesters. This year the budget allows us to purchase a new telescope for the science group. That's great so we're still juggling the numbers how to get best bang for the buck! Not the 'big bang' you understand LOL. I'm coming down on the side of the Meade LX200GPS 12" Schmidt-Cassegrain. Let's wait and see.
If you do have a moment, please take a look at my new site on: Astronomy for Kids .
A happy new year to everyone!
Well done on a nice blog al_layyinah. I was searching for information on astronomy for kids and came across your post Betul ker ni? - not quite what I was looking for related to astronomy for kids but very interesting all the same!
Well, it's a new year - in fact it's almost the Chinese New Year. I'm still putting together astronomy lesson plans for the first and second semesters. This year the budget allows us to purchase a new telescope for the science group. That's great so we're still juggling the numbers how to get best bang for the buck! Not the 'big bang' you understand LOL. I'm coming down on the side of the Meade LX200GPS 12" Schmidt-Cassegrain. Let's wait and see.
If you do have a moment, please take a look at my new site on: Astronomy for Kids .
A happy new year to everyone!
Salam ta'zhim, rahmat dan barkat Alloh atasmu,... kematian memang sangat dekat ... tapi alangkah indahnya pintu kematian bila menjadi gerbang awal menuju syurganya sang pencipta bagi yang slalu rindu dan cinta kepadanya...karna Dialah samudrea cinta ... (mutiara seorang hamba sufi).. salam kenal dlm ukhwah fillah .. zainal - Indonesia.. wassalam .. slamat berjuang dan tetaplah tersenyum, bila tersenyum, takdirmu pasti akan tersenyum.. amiin
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